Charlotte Hosking, Croydon
I started getting lower back pain in April 2021, accompanied by a burning pain in my left leg and down to the foot, plus a lot of numbness and tingling and a strange pulling sensation down the leg whenever I stood up. I went to an osteopath who diagnosed a compressed blood vessel, but after 8 sessions, no improvement. A second osteopath thought it was tight muscles in the lower back or possibly piriformis syndrome. But again, after several sessions, no improvement. I’d also seen my GP who diagnosed sciatica and assured me it was likely to go after a few weeks.
By this time, almost a year later, the relentlessness of it was really getting me down. I couldn’t lie or sit comfortably, I had to give up Pilates and Ballet which I’d loved doing. Sometimes, just getting through the day, constantly hurting, and very irritable, seemed like a huge hurdle. My GP tried me on other stronger painkillers but they made me feel like a zombie and I opted for the pain! I tried a 3Rd osteopath and then a chiropractor (twice a week for a month) but by early 2022 it was as painful as it had ever been!
Back to my GP who referred me for an MRI scan which I finally had 3 months later, in Feb 2023. It showed a bulging disc at L4/L5 which was impinging on the sciatic nerve. The orthopaedic consultant recommended a cortisone injection for the pain. I didn’t really want this but if it would stop the pain, I’d have it, most definitely. But then was told after waiting several months that I had been given a telephone appointment for September with the Pain Clinic who would then put me on the waiting list for the injection! What was I supposed to do in the meantime?? But my GP said there was nothing I could do but wait.
At this point I was really fed up. I looked into having the injection privately – over £1000 and with no guarantee it would work. So, in desperation I googled sciatic treatments and came across The Horsham Nerve Pain Practice. As it was specifically nerve-related and there been a successful study at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospitals convinced me to ring Keith up. He was very honest with me, didn’t promise it would work but said he thought it could. I sent him my MRI results which helped him locate more precisely where to treat me.
I was a bit nervous on the first treatment. It was an odd pricking sensation but not really what I’d call painful but afterwards I felt there was definitely improvement. The second treatment even more so, and I found I definitely needed fewer painkillers so that was good. But after the third session where he also did a posture adjustment I found the symptoms had actually gone totally. I went back for a fourth session but I think that’s it! I’m pain-free! Several weeks on and a very enjoyable family holiday in Portugal, I feel I’m at last living a normal life again, all thanks to Keith and external neuromodulation. I would totally recommend this (in fact I already have) to anyone suffering with sciatica.
Charlotte Hosking
Croydon September 2023
Carlotte’s painful journey is an all too familiar one in the Practice as clients struggle to find options for their nerve conditions. The NHS is under huge strain and many can’t afford expensive private treatments with no guarantee of success. I used external neuromodulation treatment down the sciatic and common peroneal nerve pathways. I’m really pleased that over 4 sessions she is now pain free and was able to have a lovely family holiday.
Keith Atkinson