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“…I would often end up screaming in pain!”

My name is Rob Grigor and I am production supervisor at Ibstock Ltd. I have always led a very physical life and the job has demanded a lot of manual labour.

Things really got worse in 2015 going into 2016 when I developed sciatica in my buttock and down my left leg. I simply couldn’t shake it off and the pain was extreme. I had seen physios and osteopaths in addition to my GP. I just wasn’t getting anywhere and I was been prescribed stronger and stronger medication. Finally I was on high levels of morphine in addition to amitriptyline. While this managed to keep me going at work, but by the end of the day and particularly driving home I would often end up screaming in pain! Medication was not solving the problem and I was getting desperate for a solution.

I was then advised that the company was setting up a clinic for nerve pain. A colleague had had good results attending Keith Atkinson’s practice in Horsham and the company generously offered this clinic for staff suffering from back pain and other ailments. I can seriously say I was sceptical and not expecting much from my first treatment. However the results were dramatic! After just 2 sessions the pain had eased away completely! I had forgotten what it was like not to have that awful pain.

I am now on a maintenance program with Keith as I still have some residual back pain but this is not the searing pain that I had before and I can certainly live with that. I am also pleased to say that I have been able to come off all my medication including the morphine. I can honestly say I feel like a new person and I would recommend this treatment to anyone suffering from the sort of pain I endured for so long.

Rob Grigor (Ibstock ltd, Laybrook site, Pulborough August 2018)

Rob was able to take advantage of an innovative program started by the Ibstock Factory Manager to assist staff members with nerve pain. In Rob’s case the treatment was for classic sciatica whereby I used external neuromodulation to send pulsed radio frequency current to heal the sciatic nerve pathway. It has been a really successful result and importantly Rob has been able to come off some very strong and additive medications.

Keith Atkinson August 2018