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“To be relieved of sciatic pain has changed my life”

“I am 65 years old and started suffering from sciatica just over 8 months ago with searing pain into my buttock and going down my leg and ending up around the ankle.

In my youth I used to race motorcycles and have had numerous scrapes and broken bones but in terms of pain, this was far worse than anything I have experienced before.

The pain was very severe and debilitating resulting in me not being able to do simple things like getting up from the floor or walking down stairs. I was not able to drive for any length of distance and it got to the stage where I thought I would have to give up my job and try something else. I had been to chiropractors and other rehab specialists but without joy. Previously I had had great success with a chiropractor for my shoulder but we couldn’t seem to shift this pain.

I read the article in AAH about Keith Atkinson and his treatment. I was somewhat sceptical but with the pain levels as they were, was prepared to try anything. Keith explained the treatment to me and where he would work on the nerve pathways. I found his manner straightforward and honest.

The stimpod treatment results in a pulsing current going down the leg and whilst it is a highly unusual feeling, I can’t say it was particularly painful, just very strange. After the first treatment the effect was fantastic. The pain had gone completely! Keith reminded me that the pain might return after a period of time and booked me in for a second appointment.

I have now had 2 treatments in 2 weeks and I can honestly say the difference is like night and day. From being in a situation where pain was ruling my life I’m now back at work and have the confidence of allowing my back to take some strain. To be relieved of sciatic pain has changed my life and I can recommend Keith’s treatment unreservedly. I have indicated to Keith that if anyone wishes to speak to me personally, he is entitled to give my phone number”.

Phil Gardner. Walliswood. May 2014


Phil had classic sciatic pain. Pain running down the leg from the one buttock, into the hamstring and down below the knee to the ankle. The treatment involved using the stimpod to break the pain cycle at points down the sciatic and common peroneal nerve pathways. Phil was also given a couple of very simple decompression stretches to try and widen the spinal channel. I’m very pleased to see Phil pain free after just 2 treatments. He is also very happy to discuss the treatment over the phone but to protect his privacy, genuine enquiries should be directed first through me.
Keith Atkinson